
Saturday, October 9, 2010


I'm still here!  It has been quite a while since I have sent out a newsletter.  I've even had people think that it was getting lost in cyberspace.  Because of new responsibilities and time constraints, I have found it difficult to manage my newsletter.  In searching for a solution to this problem, I discovered the world of blogging.  I'm very excited to switch from a newsletter to a blog.  I think blogging will help solve this issue.  As things come up, I will be able to send out a quick post instead of trying to wait until I have enough information to send newsletter style.

I plan on posting similar topics that were in my newsletter, along with a few new ones.  I am trying to keep this blog focused in a general area, but God is speaking to me strongly about purpose and teaching as well.  Until I "get the hang" of blogging, I am putting it altogether.  I may later separate it into 2 blogs.  Here are some of the topics I plan on sharing with you:

Weekly Menus
Household Tips & Ideas
Weekly Coupon Deals
Quick Devotionals
Book Talk & Teaching Ideas

I also plan on updating my website soon.  You can find previous recipes, ideas, and devotions on the site.  Just go to Out of the Nest and Beyond.

I am really looking forward to seeing what the Lord is going to do with this.  He never ceases to amaze me!  I hope you enjoy, share with friends, and contribute your thoughts and ideas!

Out of the Nest & Beyond


  1. Susan, I was very surprised to receive your newsletter this am. I had spoken with you before about my thinking that I had been dropped from your subcriber list. But here it is again! Have a great day! Happy Fall! Enjoy God's gift of seasons!

    Linda Litchfield

  2. I was so excited to receive your newsletter. It had been awhile. Glad to see that your going to be keeping a blog. How exciting.
    Have a blessed day.
